Tina belcher
Tina belcher

tina belcher

It's actually discussed whether or not she's autistic in the first episode-Louise adamantly believes she is, while Bob says she isn't (between this and the aforementioned developmental milestones part, it's possible if not probable he's actually gotten her tested) to "confirm" her theory, Louise dumps a bunch of straws onto the floor and tells Tina to count them to which she replies "three". Ambiguous Disorder: Tina speaks in a Creepy Monotone, expresses distress through long groans, has No Social Skills and awkward body language, and "Hamburger Dinner Theatre" suggests she struggled to meet developmental milestones (primarily speaking).She also serves as the moral compass for Louise, and she's one of the few characters to ever actually give Mr. The times she behaves violently, she usually does so to defend those she loves like her family or horses. Regardless, Tina is sweet-natured and docile, and feels empathy for all creatures, even pinworms (for whom she would rather give a stern warning rather than kill) and Tammy (though she is capable of snapping back at her). All-Loving Hero: Downplayed at times, but justified since she IS a teenage girl after all and can’t be faulted for being self-absorbed and hormonal.She loves the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic expy show The Equestranauts and she will take any opportunity to remind people that horses "are the best animals ever", to the point of attacking Tammy for dissing them. All Girls Like Ponies: Her bedroom is decked out in horse pictures, posters, and figures one of them being a porcelain horse named Horcelain.When Tina runs, her arms don't move at all. Affectionate Nickname: Linda calls her "My Teeny Tina", while her siblings (primarily Louise) call her "T".Aesop Amnesia: No matter how many times Tina learns to give up on trying to win Jimmy Jr.'s love (such as in "The Belchies" and "V for Valentine-detta"), she'll go right back to trying to win him over by the next episode.Frond is aware but actively refuses to help because he's too focused on teaching the kids a lesson.

tina belcher

Her classmates turn her into a social pariah, and making matters worse is that Mr. Actor/Role Confusion: Becomes a victim of it in "The Hormone-iums", where she plays someone who has mononucleosis.While sometimes it's understandable (such as becoming the center of attention in "Mazel-Tina" after Tammy disappears), Tina can often take things too far (in that same episode, she was willing to keep Louise trapped with Tammy so she could remain the center of attention). Acquired Situational Narcissism: From time to time, Tina tends to get a bit of an inflated ego.Abhorrent Admirer: Zig-Zagged with her relationship to Jimmy Jr.-sometimes he returns her affections, but other times he's repulsed by her odd nature and ignores her attempts at flirting.

Tina belcher